It is not surprising that companies lose a meaningful number of employees every year because of lack of engagement.
Employee engagement is considered to be one of the most important drivers of loyalty and productivity. Studies show that one of the most important drivers of employee loyalty is to create interest in the initiatives that give employees a sense of belonging. The key is to anchor sense of belonging to professional growth, performance, and service quality.
How to Drive Loyalty Among Your Employees
- Connect employees to performance. Set the right job expectations for advancement and make sure they understand the consequences for poor and great performance.
- Communicate the importance of how their daily role, responsibility and service quality plays an important part in the organization’s vision and mission.
- Have them commit openly to do the “right thing” based on the philosophy of “the customer comes first.” Set up constant trainings to support service quality.
- Train and develop employees often to improve skill and knowledge. Set up training classes that are hands on learning.
- Celebrate wins. Set up learning markers and make a big deal about employees who successfully reach all these markers as well as promotions.
Train to win.